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Answers To Life’s Most Essential Questions (Lesson 5: Who Is Jesus?)

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Description: Learn some basics about who Jesus is, what He did, and why He is so important

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Lesson 5: Who Is Jesus?

            Jesus is the most prominent figure in Christianity. Even the name “Christian” contains the name of Christ. But, why is Jesus so important? What is so special about Him? What has He done for us? And, is He important to everyone or just to a few? Because of sin, we would all be hopelessly lost and were in need of a Savior. Thankfully, that Savior has been provided. His name is Jesus, and He is the answer to the problem of sin (Romans 6:23)! In fact, four books of the Bible are especially focused on Jesus’s life (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

            The purpose of this lesson is to learn some basics about who Jesus is, what He did, and why He is so important.

The Promise

            To Satan. After Adam and Eve sinned, God punished Satan (who was using the serpent, Genesis 3:14-15). Although Satan would score a momentary victory against Jesus (the offspring of woman) by putting Him to death (like a serpent would bite someone’s heel), Jesus would crush Satan by providing a way for people to be saved (like a person crushing the head of a serpent). So, God was not caught unprepared to deal with sin whenever Adam and Eve sinned. Instead, God had a plan to redeem people from sin – even before He created the world (Acts 2:23; Ephesians 3:11; 1 Peter 1:20)! Genesis 3:14-15 is the first insight into this plan in the Scriptures.

            To Abraham. God gave three main promises to Abram (Abraham, Genesis 12:1-3): To make a great a great nation from his descendants (the Israelites), to give his descendants a special land (the Canaan land), and to bless all people through his offspring (Jesus). Jesus would come through the physical lineage of Abraham and be the greatest blessing ever to the entire world by providing the opportunity to be forgiven of sin!

            Early in the Old Testament, the storyline for the entire Bible is set! People had sinned and needed a Savior. Now, we have seen that one is coming who would defeat Satan and be a blessing to the entire world! The remainder of the Old Testament continues to reveal this story and gives many specific prophecies about Jesus. Then, the story hits its climax with the birth of Jesus and His life on this earth in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Jesus Is The Son Of God

            Passages demonstrating this truth. Jesus is the one and only Son of God (only of His kind). None other has this same relationship with the Father (John 3:16; Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5).

            Jesus is God. Three Beings possess the characteristics of being God: The Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Jesus’s Deity (nature of being God) is implied in Jesus being the Son of God (i.e. that He has the same nature as His Father). John 1:1-2 also declares Jesus is God (also see John 20:28; Romans 9:1-5; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 1:8).

            Jesus was with God in creation. Jesus is eternal and was with God whenever all things were created. He was not created by the Father. In fact, Jesus created all things (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16). You can see Jesus involved in the Genesis record of creation when you notice the plural pronouns in reference to God (Genesis 1:26-27).

            Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb. Jesus was sent from Heaven by the Father, knowing forgiveness of sin required a sacrifice (Hebrews 9:22). But, not just any sacrifice would do (Hebrews 10:4). John 3:16 describes God’s solution to the problem of sin! For this reason, Jesus is called Lamb of God (John 1:29) – as God knew only Jesus could make the sacrifice necessary to take away sin (Romans 5:6-11). Without Jesus, you would have no hope.

Jesus Lived On Earth

            Christ left Heaven to come to earth. Jesus willingly left Heaven (the place we all desire to go, where there is no crying, sorrow, morning, pain, death, or evil, Revelation 21) to come to earth and accomplish God’s eternal plan of redemption! So, as you consider what Jesus endured on earth, realize He chose to leave Heaven and come to earth so we can be forgiven and live in Heaven (2 Corinthians 8:9)!

            God is with us. Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin according to prophecy (Matthew 1:23). His name was to be Immanuel, which meant, “God is with us.” So, Jesus did not give up His Deity when He came to earth (Colossians 2:9). He was God on earth!

            Jesus’s mission on earth. First, Jesus came to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17). He fulfilled the prophecies and brought the new covenant into effect (Colossians 2:14; Hebrews 8-10). Second, Jesus came to preach the coming of His kingdom, which would be established during the lifetime of many who were living at the time (Luke 9:27). Third, Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).

            Jesus performed many miracles. Jesus healed the sick, caused the blind to see, made the paralyzed walk, cast out demons, walked on water, raised the dead, and performed many signs and miracles. The purpose of all these was to demonstrate He really is the Son of God when we read what He accomplished (John 20:30-31)!

            Jesus’s sinless life was hated by the world. Although Jesus lived in human form and had physical desires, He never sinned (Hebrews 4:15) – even though Satan tempted Him (Matthew 4:1-11). Because of this, Jesus was able to be the perfect sacrifice to take away sin. And, since Jesus did not sin, the world hated Him (John 15:18-19). For, His sinlessness exposed the world’s wickedness and made them angry with Jesus, so that they wanted to kill Him.

Jesus’s Death

            Jesus knew He would die. Jesus was (and is) God and knew He was going to die – and how He would die (Matthew 16:21). Yet, He came to earth and went through it all anyways (Philippians 2:5-11)! As His betrayal and death drew near, Jesus felt the weight of these things as He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:42-44).

            Jesus was betrayed and denied by His apostles. After Jesus finished praying, Judas (one of His apostles) betrayed Him with a kiss for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16). Jesus was then arrested by the multitude (Matthew 26:47-56). As Jesus allowed Himself to be arrested, all His disciples fled (Matthew 26:56). Then, Peter denied his association with or knowledge of Jesus three times (Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75).

            Jesus was mocked, beaten, unfairly tried, spat on, and scourged. Jesus was put on trial by the highest Jewish council (the Sanhedrin, Matthew 26:57-68). They sought false testimony against Jesus and accused Him of blasphemy for saying He was the Son of God. Then, they spat in His face, hit Him, and mocked Him. When Jesus faced the Roman governor, Jesus did not defend Himself (Matthew 27:1-2, 11-31). The crowd of Jews demanded that a known prisoner and murder named Barabbas be released rather than Jesus. Then, Jesus was flogged (a severe beating that mutilated the flesh) and sentenced to death. After this, Jesus was taken by the soldiers and was severely mocked and mistreated (Matthew 27:27-31) – including having a scarlet robe put on Him, a crown of thorns, and a reed, while mocking Him as King of the Jews, spitting on Him, and hitting Him on the head with the reed.

            Jesus was delivered over to be crucified. After all this, Jesus was led away to be crucified (Matthew 27:31). This was considered the most horrible form of death and was reserved for the worst criminals – with a person being stripped of clothing, laid upon the cross, and fastened to it with nail-like spikes through the hands and feet. Jesus’s crucifixion and death are recorded in Matthew 27:32-56 (as well as in Mark, Luke, and John). Jesus’s last words (John 19:30) indicate Jesus had been obedient to the Father and finished God’s eternal plan of salvation by giving Himself as the ransom sacrifice for the sins of the world!

            Jesus’s burial. Jesus’s body was taken off the cross and buried in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb (Matthew 27:57-60) and a large stone was rolled in front of it. The tomb was sealed and a guard was placed so His body would not be stolen (Matthew 27:62-66). At this point, we ask: Has God been defeated? Has Satan just won by putting Jesus to death?

Jesus’s Resurrection

            “He has risen.” Matthew 28:1-10 describes the miraculous event of Jesus’s resurrection on the first day of the week, as there was a great earthquake and the stone was rolled away from the door of the tomb. The angel told the women at the tomb that Jesus had risen from the death! Later, the risen Jesus appeared to many (1 Corinthians 15:3-9). Then, those who had been guarding the tomb accepted a large bribe to say Jesus’s body was stolen (Matthew 28:11-15). Yet, Jesus’s resurrection is essential to our salvations and resurrections from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:16-19).

            Jesus ascended back into Heaven. After remaining on earth for a time, Acts 1:9-11 records Jesus being taken back to Heaven and that He will come again. Today, Jesus is at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12-14).


            Jesus Christ is the answer to the problem of sin! Because of Jesus, we can be saved from our sins, avoid the wrath of God, and spend eternity in Heaven. But, we must believe and obey Him.

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