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Are We Living In The Last Days?

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Are We Living In The Last Days?

            You do not have to look far to find doomsday prophecies based on interpretations of the “last days.” It is common to hear people today talking about the conditions of things in this world so as to conclude that we are now living in the last days in a way that has not been true in previous generations. However, are we living in the last days right now – and what applications should we make of the answer? We need to carefully consider the teachings of Scripture to arrive at the right conclusions.

            1) Bible passages. First, read Matthew 24:3-14. This chapter (along with Luke 21) is commonly used to identify signs of the “last days” that are said to be happening today. However, Jesus was providing signs concerning the destruction of Jerusalem (vv. 1-3, which occurred in 70 A.D.). For, Jesus clearly said that generation would not pass away before these things would take place (v. 34). Yet, we do not know when His second coming will be (v. 36).

            Second, read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. Many use these verses to claim that we must be living in the “last days” today – because the world is full of the sorts of characteristics identified in this text. While this does demonstrate that we are living in the last days, also notice that Paul indicated Timothy lived in these times (v. 5)!

            Third, read 1 John 2:18-19. Though some will claim that the antichrist is a sign of Christ’s coming and the end of the world, notice the language in this text. John said that it was the last hour and that many antichrists had come. So, John said that he was living in the last times!

            Fourth, read Jude 1:17-19. Jude was pointing out that the false teachers who were present at that time were the fulfillment of what the apostles of Christ had promised. But, notice these people were living at that time (v. 19).

            Fifth, read 2 Peter 3:3-4. Peter says that there would be scoffers who would come in the last days and scoff at the promise of Christ’s coming. However, notice that Peter indicates that such things were transpiring at that point in time (v. 5).

            Sixth, read Acts 2:15-17. On the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles and they began to speak in tongues. Peter explains this by referencing an Old Testament prophecy by Joel (in Joel 2:28-32) about things which would happen in the last days. However, notice this is shown as being fulfilled at that time!

            2) Applications. An incorrect application of these texts would be to use them in such a way to try to identify a specific time when Jesus will return. There have been many individuals and religious groups who have attempted to use these passages as specific time indicators for when Jesus will return. However, despite the fact that the things which are going on throughout the world today are discussed in some of these passages, we must also observe the fact that these same things were going on in the 1st century (i.e. wickedness, Romans 1:18-32)!

            These passages do, however, warn us that Christ’s return is imminent and that we are living in the “last days.” The Christian/Gospel Age (that we are living in) is the last period of time before Jesus returns. This period began on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 (approximately 33 A.D.) and continues today. In this time, God now speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3)! But, the Scriptures simply do not tell us when He will come, just warning us to be ready at all times (Matthew 24:42-44)!

            Yes, we are living in the “last days.” However, these “last days” began nearly 2,000 years ago. There is not going to be another time period on earth after this Gospel Age is complete. Furthermore, we do not know when Jesus Christ will return – and must always be prepared! Let us embrace these truths and reject false prophecies about Jesus’s return.

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