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Developing A God Centered Perspective On Life (Lesson 2 – Who Am I?

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Developing A God-Centered Perspective Of Life

Lesson 2: Who Am I?

You have been remarkably, wondrously, and intentionally made by God (Psalm 139:13-16). However, understanding where you came from is only one part of what is needed to develop a true and God-centered perspective of life. You must see that God has created you to be much more than just another living thing on planet earth.

Psalm 8:1-9

The first two verses of this psalm demonstrate the magnificence of the God who has displayed the glory of His name throughout the universe. His majesty is such that all things depend on Him (Psalm 145). So, like the psalmist in verses 3-4, whenever you observe the grandeur of God’s creation, it should make you feel small and insignificant. After all, the God who is capable of such greatness surely has no need for any person (you or anyone else, Acts 17:24-25). Why, then, is it that God bothers to look after and care for us? Verse 5 demonstrates you (and all people) are made by God a little lower than Heavenly beings (note there is some difficulty in the translation of the word – “God,” “heavenly beings,” “angels”; it is cited as “angels” in Hebrews 2:7). Thus, God created you lower than God and the Heavenly beings, yet higher than the rest of God’s earthly creation (vv. 6-9). Though you are just a speck in a gigantic universe, God has created you more glorious than the rest of the earthly creation (Luke 12:6-7)!

Genesis 1:26-31

This passage gives insight into the special way God has made people (Genesis 5:1-5; James 3:9). To understand what it means to be in the image and likeness of God requires understanding God’s nature. Namely, it should be noted that this likeness is not a physical resemblance to God; but one that is spiritual (John 4:24). So, you are a dual-natured being with both a physical and spiritual element to your existence. Then, as a spiritual being, you can be in a relationship with other people (Genesis 2:20-24) and with God (Genesis 3:8). As a spiritual being, you can choose between moral and immoral things (i.e. right and wrong; Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-6). These choices will involve how you respond to God and to others (Matthew 22:36-40). Then, as a spiritual being, you can seek God, worship God, serve God, love God, etc. (Acts 17:25-28)! Therefore, any perspective of your life that is focused on physical things misses what is truly most unique and significant about your existence!

2 Corinthians 5:1-10

Although you are a dual-natured being (physical and spiritual), these two aspects of your existence are clearly not equal. For, your outer person (the “seen” aspect of your existence, 4:16-18) is temporary and headed for destruction. Like a tent is only a temporary structure to live in, your physical body is only a temporary housing for your spiritual existence (i.e. soul). One day, you will die and put off this earthly body (Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Hebrews 9:27). Yet, the inner person (spirit/soul) will live on and one day be clothed with a spiritual body that will be eternal (1 Corinthians 15:35-58). Therefore, the true aim of your life in this physical body must be to pleases God. For, there will be a Day when you (and all people) will stand before Jesus Christ in judgment and be repaid for what you have done in the physical body, whether good or evil, in a way that impacts what your soul will experience eternally (Galatians 6:7-8).

Romans 3:9-18

God has created you with the ability to choose between good or evil during your life. But, there is an enemy (Satan) who tries to distort what is good and lure you according to your fleshly desires to do what is evil (Genesis 3:1-6; 1 Peter 2:11-12; 5:8-9). Though you can do what is good and right, this passage demonstrates that you (and all people) choose to sin against God, rebelling against how God wants you to use your life. Rather than glorifying your Creator with your existence, you have chosen to glorify yourself and pursue your own will and desires above His! This sinful rebellion, though, has resulted in devastating consequences (Genesis 3:7-24), including spiritual death in that you have been separated from fellowship with God (Romans 6:23; James 1:14-15; 1 Timothy 5:6). Therefore, while you should appreciate the special way God has created you, you should also consider the way in which you have sinned against God.

Romans 5:6-11

Sin left you helplessly separated from God with no way to undo your rebellion by yourself. God could have left you in the helpless condition you put yourself in by not listening to Him. But, He didn’t. Instead, God proves that He loves you by sending His own Son (Jesus Christ) to die for you so that you can have the opportunity to be forgiven of your sins, to be saved from the wrath of God you deserve to experience because of sin, and to be reconciled to God through Jesus’s blood (John 3:16)! This is the greatest act of love anyone can possibly accomplish and the greatest gift that has ever been given! Now, it is your responsibility to accept God’s gift through your faith and obedience to the gospel and live to glorify God (Romans 6:16-23; Acts 2:36-41; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)!


God has created you in a special and glorious way that is in His own image and according to His own likeness. This is a spiritual existence that includes the opportunity to choose between right and wrong and whether you want to be in fellowship with God. However, you (like all others) have rebelled and chosen to go your own way at some point. Still, God has loved you enough to sacrifice His only Son to save you. Now, you must choose what you will do with the way God has created you and the opportunity God has given you.

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