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What God Says About Homosexuality

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What God Says About Homosexuality

            What is your perspective about homosexuality? Surely, the way you view and think about homosexuality will make a huge difference as to how you will conduct yourself and how you will respond to others who engage in homosexual acts. Thankfully, God teaches us some important principles in the Bible concerning homosexuality that will shape our perspectives if we let Him. Therefore, let’s consider some things God says about homosexuality.

            1) God only designed sexual relationships to be between a man and a woman in marriage. Those who believe in God and accept His authority as revealed through the Scriptures must look to how God has created marriage and the sexual union. As we consider this, we must look to the beginning in Genesis 2:18-25. In this, we can see the man God had created (v. 7) was identified as being alone (with no sufficient helper/companion of his same nature) – and God solved this problem by creating a woman for him. So, God saw the woman as the appropriate sexual partner for the man. Later, when Jesus was asked about marriage and divorce, Jesus re-enforced God’s design for marriage to be between one man and one woman (Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9). The apostle Paul (who wrote the commandments of Jesus, 1 Corinthians 14:37) also taught that anything other than sexual relations between a man and woman in marriage is sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7:1-3; Hebrews 13:4). Therefore, we must conclude that homosexuality is condemned in every place the term sexual immorality (“pornia”) appears (i.e. Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-5). This Greek term is an umbrella term that covers all types of illicit (sinful) sexual intercourse – including sex outside of marriage, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, rape, incest, etc.

            2) God has demonstrated His anger toward homosexuality. The ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are forever connected with homosexuality. The Scriptures identify these places as being evil and full of sin (Genesis 13:13). Later, it was revealed to Abraham that God saw the sin of these cities as being extremely serious (Genesis 18:20). Their wickedness is plainly seen whenever two angels entered Sodom in the appearance as men and the men of the city surrounded the place they were so they could have sexual relations with the men (Genesis 19:1-5). God warned Lot to get his family out of the city because God was going to destroy the city for their wickedness (vv. 12-13). Then, God rained burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah so that the entire area was demolished (vv. 24-25)! Now, some claim that God destroyed these cities for their inhospitality and other sin (Ezekiel 16:49). However, although there were other sins practiced by Sodom and Gomorrah, there can be no doubt the Bible attributes homosexuality as being central to their destruction (v. 50; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Jude 1:7). They are an example and warning for us that the sexually immoral (which includes homosexuals) will spend eternity in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur in Hell (Revelation 21:8).

            3) Homosexuality is specifically identified as sin today. While we have seen God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and God’s condemnation of homosexuality in the Old Testament, we do not live under the Old Testament today. Still, God also condemns homosexuality as being sinful in the New Testament. First, Romans 1:26-27 includes homosexuality among sinful things that are subject to God’s wrath and deserving of spiritual death (vv. 18, 32). In fact, God identifies homosexuality as being disgraceful, unnatural, shameless, deserving of a penalty, and error.Second, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 includes homosexuality (using two Greek terms that refer both to the active and passive participants in homosexual acts) as being such that will keep one out of God’s kingdom. Thus, homosexuality is not proper behavior for anyone who submits to God as King and desires to participate in the blessings of God’s kingdom. Third, 1 Timothy 1:9-11 identifies homosexuality among a list of lawless and rebellious acts of the ungodly and sinful. This is contrary to the sound teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament. Also, in these last two passages, a connection with the Old Law (i.e. Leviticus 20:13) can be seen in the picture of a male having sexual relations with a male as with a female (though homosexuality is also condemned for women, Romans 1:26).

            4) Homosexuality can be overcome. While God’s word is clear in teaching that homosexuality is sinful and will be subject to God’s punishment in Hell, we also must recognize that God provides the way to overcome this sin through His love just as He does with all sin (John 3:16)! For example, those who have engaged in homosexual acts so as to sin against God can be forgiven if they will believe and obey the gospel of Christ (which includes repenting of the sin, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Furthermore, although one may have temptations that include homosexual attractions, God always provides the opportunity for one to do the right thing and not conduct himself/herself in sinful ways (1 Corinthians 10:13; James 4:7; Ephesians 6:10-18). For, just being tempted is not the same as sin (James 1:14-15; Matthew 4:1-11)!

            God teaches us how to view homosexuality in a way that will result in living to please Him. Despite how people around us may view homosexuality, you must use God’s word alone to shape your understanding of whether it is acceptable to God or not. Allow these things to frame your perspective about homosexuality and challenge you to use this understanding in a way that will honor Him!

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