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That You May Know The Certainty (9 – Jesus’s Galilean Ministry, Part 5, Luke 8:4-56)

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That You May Know The Certainty

Lesson 9: Jesus’s Galilean Ministry, Part 5 (Luke 8:4-56)

As Jesus had been traveling from one town and village to another, His popularity grew. But so did opposition to Him. This lesson will show Jesus’s continued work of preaching the good news of God’s kingdom and working miracles that proved He was the Messianic King.

Hearing And Obeying God’s Word (Luke 8:4-21)

8:4-10. Jesus taught a parable (an earthly story with a spiritual application; Matthew 13:1-9; Mark 4:1-9) about seed being scattered across four types of soil. The seed along the path (road) could not penetrate the soil, was trampled on, and eaten by birds. The seed on rocky soil sprouted but could not survive the heat because it lacked moisture. The seed among the thorns sprouted but was choked out by the weeds. The seed on good ground produced fruit. Jesus concludes that people should listen to what He says. These parables explain the mysteries of God’s kingdom (Matthew 13:10-17; Mark 4:10-12). Spiritually focused people could hear and apply the spiritual message, while physically focused people would not (Isaiah 6:9).

8:11-15. Jesus explained the parable (Matthew 13:18-23; Mark 4:13-20) and said the seed represents God’s word (1 Peter 1:22-25). The parable is focused on how people respond to God’s word in different ways. Some (like seed along the path) are not impacted by God’s word because they have hard hearts and the devil takes the word out of their hearts (e.g. by worldly distractions, lies) so they will not believe and be saved. Others (like rocky soil) initially accept the word joyfully but then fall away in times of testing (e.g. persecution, distress). Others (like thorny soil) accept the word but do not produce any mature fruit because they are distracted by the cares, riches, and pleasures of life. Others (like good soil) accept the word and allow it to work effectively in their lives due to their honest and good hearts that desire to please God, endure trials, and produce fruit in various quantities.

8:16-21. Those who hear and obey God’s word must allow this light to shine through their examples and teaching rather than covering their influence (Matthew 5:13-16). For, light brings revelation to what has been concealed (e.g. sin). God’s word will have a positive influence on those who want to hear and obey it, as they will be further illuminated with truth and experience God’s light (Proverbs 9:9; Matthew 5:6). But, those who do not want to hear it will drift further into darkness. Then, Jesus taught that His true family includes all who hear and obey God’s word; not just physical family!

Jesus Rebukes The Wind And Waves (Luke 8:22-25)

8:22-25. Later that day (Mark 4:35), Jesus and His disciples got into a boat to cross over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 8:23-27). Jesus fell asleep on the journey and a great windstorm came down on the lake. The waves swamped the boat and the disciples feared for their lives. They woke Jesus, telling Him they were going to die. Then, Jesus rebuked the wind and waves so they ceased and there was a great calm – and challenged His disciples for not having faith. They should have known Jesus would not be defeated by the things He created (John 1:1-3). The disciples were fearful and amazed, asking each other who Jesus was to even command the elements in nature and they obeyed Him!

Jesus Drives Out Demons (Luke 8:26-39)

8:26-33. Jesus and His disciples sailed to the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee, to the region of the Gerasenes (probably around Gergesa, the area of the Decapolis, a predominately Gentile region; Mark 5:1-20; Matthew 8:28-34). There, a demon-possessed man found Him (who had worn no clothes and stayed in the tombs for a long time). The demon would cause the man to seize and break the chains and shackles put on him, driving him into deserted places. As Jesus told the demon to come out of the man (Mark 5:5), the man confessed Jesus as the Son of the Most High God and begged that He would not torment him. Asking for his name, the man told Jesus his name was “Legion” because many demons had entered him (a Roman legion contained 6,000 soldiers). The demons begged not to be banished to the abyss (place of disobedient spirits, Revelation 9:1-2, 11; 2 Peter 2:4). Rather than be banished, Jesus permitted them to enter a large herd of pigs (unclean among Jews), which ran down the hill and drowned.

8:34-39. The owners of the pigs saw what happened, ran, and reported the events to the people in the area (who likely knew of the demon-possessed man). They came to see for themselves and found the man sitting at Jesus’s feet, dressed, and in his right mind. The people of the region were so afraid of Jesus that they asked Jesus to leave. So, Jesus returned to the other side of Galilee. The healed man did not want Jesus to leave, but was told to proclaim how much Jesus had done for him, which he did!

Jesus Heals A Woman And Raises A Girl (Luke 8:40-56)

8:40-48. An expectant crowd welcomed Jesus back on the western side of Galilee (possibly Capernaum). The ruler of the synagogue named Jairus fell at Jesus’s feet, pleading for Jesus to come to his house and heal his only daughter who was twelve years old and dying (Mark 5:21-24; Matthew 9:18-19). While Jesus was traveling to his house, crowds were so thick they were nearly crushing Him. Then, a woman who had suffered from bleeding for twelve years (Mark 5:25-34; Matthew 9:20-22; making her ceremonially unclean, Leviticus 15:19-27; Numbers 19:22) who spent all she had on doctors without success, knew she could be healed just by touching Jesus’s robe. When she did, her bleeding instantly stopped. Jesus knew power had gone out from Him and asked who touched Him. The woman explained why she touched Him, and Jesus said her faith had saved her and could go in peace.

8:49-56. Someone then came from Jairus’s house, saying his daughter had died and they should not bother Jesus (Mark 5:35-43; Matthew 9:23-26). Jesus heard this and encouraged Jairus not to be afraid and to believe, promising she would be saved. Jesus let no one come with Him except Peter, James, John, and the child’s parents. Mourners were there; but Jesus told them to stop, saying she was not dead, only asleep. They laughed at Him, but Jesus put them outside. He took the girl by the hand, telling her to get up. Her spirit returned and she got up! She was to be given something to eat and her amazed parents were told to tell no one what happened.


Jesus taught the importance of hearing and obeying His words. Now, we have seen four miracles in this lesson. They have demonstrated Jesus’s power over nature, over the spiritual realm, over physical sickness, and over death!

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