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Genesis 13:10-13 Don’t Make Decisions Based On Outward Appearances Alone

Don’t Make Decisions Based On Outward Appearances Alone

Text: Genesis 13:10-13

            Abram (Abraham) and his nephew Lot were very wealthy and had large herds. This created conflict between their herdsmen due to the issues involved in having enough resources for their animals. So, Abram (wanting to avoid the unnecessary conflict) proposed that they separate and gave Lot the choice as to which direction he wanted to go. Lot chose the direction he did because of the appearance of the land. However, there was much more to this land than just its potential for prosperity. Namely, the people of Sodom were in this land and they were sinning greatly before the Lord. Whether Lot knew of this or not when he made his choice, this would lead to much suffering for him in being around such wickedness, fleeing when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and experiencing loss in his family (i.e. his wife).

            It can be easy to make quick decisions that are based only on what we can see on the surface. Some choose their friends based on outward appearances and do not concern themselves with their character. Some choose their spouse based on physical attraction more than the inner person. Some choose a profession or job based on pay and physical benefits rather than how it may impact them spiritually. Some choose a place to live based on convenience for physical things and do not consider whether it is a good environment for their faith.

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Don’t make decisions based on outward appearances alone. While there is nothing wrong with considering outward appearances, this should not be the driving motivation behind your decisions. Instead, your decisions should be focused on how things will impact you and your family spiritually. So, you must carefully consider whether the decisions you make will help you and your family grow and mature spiritually or result in spiritual harm!

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