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Genesis 16:1-3 – Don’t Grow Impatient Waiting On The Lord

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Don’t Grow Impatient Waiting On The Lord

Text: Genesis 16:1-3

            Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah) had obeyed God to leave their homeland and traveled to the land God promised to give Abram’s descendants. For, God had promised that Abram’s descendants would be like the stars in number, they would be given the Canaan land, and through Abram’s seed all people of the earth would be blessed. However, they had been waiting, growing old, and there was still no heir born to them. So, they tried to take matters into their own hands and have a child through Sarai’s slave Hagar (which they did). Yet, this one would still not be the child of promise.

            People often do not do well at patiently waiting. Many times in our lives, we want results quickly so that we do not have to wait for long until we get, see, or experience whatever we are looking for. For example, this can happen with God whenever we pray. We may ask God to take care of certain struggles that we are having and then grow impatient when He does not take care of them in the way that we ask or on the timeline we are asking. Whenever things do not go according to our expectations, then, sometimes we try to fix the problems in our own ways (i.e. in ways that go against the instructions of God).

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Don’t grow impatient waiting on the Lord. As God’s creation, we all must wait upon God for everything He chooses to give to us. This is true for physical needs and is also true concerning His eternal promises (i.e. for rest, justice, etc.). Therefore, while we must do our parts to obey the will of God, we must patiently wait on God for whatever can only come from Him. Then, we must not grow impatient so as to improvise and find some way to accomplish what we want apart from the will of God!

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