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Genesis 17:7-8 – Make God Your God

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Make God Your God

Text: Genesis 17:7-8

            God made a covenant (agreement) with Abraham. He promised to bless Abraham to multiply his descendants. Particularly, the nation that would come through his eventual son Isaac would be given the land of Canaan. However, God wanted something from Abraham and his descendants as well. Namely, God wanted to be Abraham’s God and the God of all his offspring after him. That is, He wanted the loyalty and admiration of those He had promised to bless in these ways. They were not to be loyal to, worship, and serve any other god besides Him! This part of the covenant would be repeated to later generations of Abraham’s descendants – and even to Christians today.

            Just like people of ancient Bible times, there are many gods we can choose to serve today. There are gods that are carved/formed from materials like gold, wood, stone, etc. Then, there are gods that take a wide variety of forms. These include gods of earthly measures of success like money, wealth, possessions, education, jobs, etc. They include gods of earthly pleasure like drugs, alcohol, sex, entertainment, recreation, hobbies, etc. They also include gods of earthly relationship like family members, friends, peers, etc. You see, anything and anyone who takes your allegiance in worship and service away from the true God is a god in your life.

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Make God your God. Reflect carefully over your life and evaluate the god/God you have been worshiping and serving. Don’t allow yourself to settle for honoring any other god besides the true God who promises to bless you with eternal life in Heaven if you faithfully obey Him. Carefully root out and destroy the allegiance you have to any other god besides this God. For, what this God truly desires from you is your devotion to Him, as He has done so much for you!

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