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Is Satan Real?

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Is Satan Real?

            Although many treat Satan as if he is a figment of the imagination, a mythical being, or a mere symbol of evil, the Bible both pictures and warns of Satan’s reality. Since God has all knowledge and the Bible teaches us everything we need to know so as to live in a way that is pleasing to God, we must pay attention to what God says about Satan. Since we know that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2), whatever the Bible teaches about Satan is true.

            1) Consequences of dismissing Satan’s reality. Whether by rejecting Satan as a real being or by simply failing to live with a true recognition of his reality, those who dismiss Satan are in grave spiritual danger! First, if an individual dismisses Satan’s reality, he/she will also dismiss the power of Satan’s influence and will easily be led captive by him (2 Timothy 2:24-26). In fact, there are many people who are caught in Satan’s traps and enslaved to him and don’t even know it, because they dismiss the reality that Satan is trying to capture and enslave their souls to him. Second, if an individual dismisses Satan’s reality, he/she will become a tool Satan will use to capture the souls of others (Matthew 16:21-23). Recognize that just as Satan used Peter, Satan can use other people today to tempt their friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Certainly, those who refuse to acknowledge Satan’s reality are easy targets for Satan to capture and then use to help him capture others!

            2) The Bible pictures Satan as being real. The only way you can possibly learn about the reality of Satan is from the Bible. Though the effects of Satan can be seen and experienced throughout this world, Satan himself cannot be observed. He is an evil spiritual force at work in this world. Therefore, man cannot teach us about Satan’s reality from his own observation. Instead, we must rely on God’s revelation to teach us about Satan. As you study the Scriptures, you must recognize that the Bible consistently pictures Satan as being real. Actually, you should recognize that the Bible pictures Satan as being just as real as God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angels, etc. Therefore, there is no acceptable basis for accepting the reality of any of these and rejecting the reality of Satan.

            Consider a few passages that depict the reality of Satan. First, consider Satan’s reality in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-5; Revelation 12:9; 20:2). Second, consider Satan’s reality in the story of Job (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7). Third, consider Satan’s reality in Jesus’s temptation (Matthew 4:1-11). Fourth, consider Satan’s reality in Jesus’s warning to Peter (Luke 22:31-32).

            3) The Bible warns of Satan’s reality. Certainly, if Satan was not real, we would not need to be warned in these ways. Consider the following passages. First, consider James 4:7. Satan is real enough that God tells you to resist him. Furthermore, the fact that the devil can flee from you implies that he can be near to you and working to influence you. Second, consider 1 Peter 5:8-9. These Christians needed to be in full control of their minds at all times and remain watchful because they had an enemy who was seeking to destroy them. Thus, Satan is pictured as being a real enemy who is actively working in this world to destroy each one of us. Third, consider Ephesians 6:10-18. The apostle Paul encouraged Christians to put on the whole armor of God so they could resist Satan. So, Satan is pictured as being a real enemy who is trying to defeat us in a spiritual war – and one we must take the proper steps to defend ourselves against, lest we fall to his attacks!

            Satan is real! If you believe in the Bible as the word of God, you must accept the truth that God consistently presents Satan as being real and warns us that he is real. Now, recognizing this truth, you should take the appropriate steps to guard against him so that you are not taken captive by him.

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