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Job 42:1-3 Don’t Speak About Things You Cannot Understand

Don’t Speak About Things You Cannot Understand

Text: Job 42:1-3

            Throughout the book of Job, Job has been demanding answers of God concerning why God would punish him even though he hasn’t done anything wrong. Of course, there was a lot Job did not know about what had happened. Job did not know that it was Satan who wanted Job to be tested through these severe trials. Job did not know that God had held Job up as an example of righteousness. Yet, when Job suffered and his friends blamed Job for causing his own suffering due to sin, Job had concluded he was innocent, but that God was still treating him like an enemy. Later, Job realized how insignificant he is compared to God and repented for his words.

            It is easy for us to get caught up in our own emotions and circumstances to think we know more than we really do or are more significant than we really are. We can lose perspective about how God really is the one who knows everything and works all things out according to His will. Yet, we can feel justified to demand for God to answer us or to explain how His actions are right. However, this amounts to not truly trusting God to always do what is right and to take care of His people.

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Don’t speak about things you cannot understand. You must humble yourself before God to recognize that your knowledge about the things that happen (even in your own life) are significantly limited, while God sees the full picture. You must recognize that the world does not depend upon you, but everything and everyone does depend upon God. You must recognize that while you may desire explanations for all the things that you experience during your life, God is under no obligation to explain them to you. Therefore, you must simply trust in who God is and let that trust be sufficient!

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