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Luke 1:3-4

Know The Certainty

Luke 1:3-4

            As Luke opened his record of the life of Jesus Christ on this earth, he states that many had tried to compile a narrative about such events. Such things had happened among them and were handed down from the original eyewitnesses and servants of Jesus. Now, he was writing to a man named Theophilus about these events, having carefully investigated everything so that Theophilus could know the certainty about Jesus Christ as he read this letter.

            Many will conclude that faith in Jesus is some sort of fairy tale – that it is a good story, but not something that really happened. In fact, many will suggest that there is no evidence for faith in God or Jesus. However, just like Theophilus, you can know the certainty about Jesus Christ (i.e. as you read these God-inspired accounts of His life contained in the Bible, including the book of Luke)! God does not want your faith to be based merely on speculation or handed-down tradition that has changed over the centuries, resulting in a blind faith. Rather, He wants you to realize there is powerful evidence for faith in Jesus Christ available and He wants you to have confidence in this faith. Although faith does involve trusting in what is not seen, this does not mean that God has not given you any kind of physical evidence to examine for your faith to be built upon.

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Know the certainty. That is, carefully investigate what you believe and why – about Jesus and about everything. Make sure that your faith is rooted in the immovable and unchangeable truth that has been once for all delivered to us from God in the Bible. Investigate the evidence God has given for faith in Him and in His Son, Jesus Christ. This includes the evidence of creation to know God really does exist, the evidence the Bible really contains God’s words, and the evidence Jesus is really God’s Son! Specifically, use the book of Luke to know the certainty about Jesus so that you can develop the kind of real faith God wants you to develop in His Son!

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