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Luke 1:35-37

Don’t Limit God’s Power

Text: Luke 1:35-37

            The time for God to bring Jesus into this world was very near. God sent the angel Gabriel to a virgin woman named Mary. He told her that she had found favor in God’s sight and that she would conceive and give birth to a Son, who would be named Jesus, would be the Son of the Most High, and would reign over an eternal kingdom. However, Mary questioned how this would happen since she was a virgin. In response, Gabriel answered and demonstrated that nothing is impossible with God! This had been demonstrated through Elizabeth conceiving in her old age, when she had been barren. Now, God’s power would be demonstrated through Mary conceiving as a virgin and giving birth to the Son of God!

            It is easy to catch ourselves limiting what God is able to do. For, we are often limited in our thinking by things we know we and other people are limited to do. But, like Mary, we must realize that the impossible is entirely within the realm of possibility with God because He is the Creator and Ruler of everything and possesses limitless power! The only limitations we should expect to govern God are those He has put on Himself (i.e. anything He has said He will not do – such as when God said He will not flood the whole world again). Unfortunately, we often may not see God’s great power because we have limited Him by what we can or cannot do or predetermined what God will or will not accomplish.

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Don’t limit God’s power. That is, don’t arbitrarily limit how God is able to work in your life or how much He can accomplish in you and through you. Pray like nothing is impossible with God. Study the Bible like nothing is impossible with God. Obey like nothing is impossible with God. Hope like nothing is impossible with God. Share the gospel like nothing is impossible with God. Live like God is able to do above and beyond all that you ask or think according to His perfect will! While we should only expect God to do what is according to His will, don’t limit Him by our own inabilities!

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