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Luke 4:3-4 Hide God’s Word In Your Heart

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Hide God’s Word In Your Heart

Text: Luke 4:3-4

            Jesus left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days. There, He was tempted by the devil and ate nothing during that time. When that time had ended, Jesus was hungry and the devil tempted him. Three specific temptations are recorded in Luke in this section. And, Jesus responded to them all by answering with Scripture and refusing to disobey God! To answer the devil in this way, though, it implies that Jesus had to have known the Scriptures well enough to know both what God’s law said and how it applied to the situation he faced.

            Whenever we are tempted to disobey God, we must follow Jesus’s perfect example given in this passage. Namely, we must answer every temptation (which is based on a deception by Satan) with God’s truth that has been revealed in the Scriptures. Like Jesus, we must know the Scriptures well enough to know what God’s law says and how it applies to the situations we encounter. With a firm commitment to God and knowledge of God’s word, we will be able to defeat Satan so he will flee from us. But, if we do not possess a working knowledge of God’s word as we should, we will not be properly equipped to face the tempter!

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Hide God’s word in your heart. Don’t just read the Bible. Instead, make sure you really understand what is taught. Meditate on His words throughout the day to consider their rich meaning and application. And, commit them to memory so you will be equipped to answer Satan’s temptations whenever and wherever they arise! Rather than just depending on physical things (like bread) for your survival, view every word of God as crucial to your spiritual existence and survival in your fight against Satan!

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