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Luke 6:47-48 Build Your Life On The Rock

Build Your Life On The Rock

Text: Luke 6:47-48

            As Jesus was teaching His disciples, He taught that there are two ways to respond to Him and His teachings. Just calling Jesus “Lord” is not enough to be saved. Rather, obedience is required. Those who hear Jesus and obey His words build their lives on the solid foundation, like a man who builds his house on the rock. But, those who hear Jesus and do not obey His words build their lives without a true foundation, like a man who builds his house on the sand. Only the one who builds on the rock will survive!

            Everyone is building their lives on one of these foundations. Many build their lives on things that can properly be compared to sand because they will not last (i.e. money, pleasures, relationships, etc.). Rather than listening to Jesus’s words in everything, they put earthly things first. However, this kind of life will only end in great disappointment physically and destruction spiritually. In contrast, the one who builds on the foundation of Jesus Christ and obedience to His words will inherit eternal life!

            Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Build your life on the Rock. Carefully evaluate every part of your life – your faith, your beliefs, your decisions, your priorities, your relationships, etc. Consider whether you have built every part of your life firmly upon Jesus Christ and His words in Scripture. Dig deep in every area of your life and make sure you lay no other foundation than believing and obeying Jesus Christ, knowing that this is the only life that will result in a well-built life that will end with eternity in Heaven!

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