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Introducing the Podcast

Eric Krieg from offers Bible study lessons to help you discover God's word. This show is not focused on the doctrines, opinions, or traditions of men; but, is only focused on what God's word teaches – and how we should apply God's message to our lives! In addition, this show is from a non-denominational perspective, encouraging each person to simply follow the Bible and be Christians like you can read about in the New Testament (and be part of Christ's church).

What is a podcast?

Think of a podcast like an on-demand radio show. You can access these broadcasts through your computer (via, Itunes, or Stitcher Radio) and your tablet/smartphone (via the podcast app for Itunes or the Stitcher radio app for Apple or Android).

With the Podcast, you can take the Bible study lessons with you on your mobile device and listen to them at your convenience – or you can study along at your computer.

For recent podcasts, click here.

How to subscribe to the Podcast

Itunes:  Click here

Stitcher:  Click here

Soundcloud:  Click here

If you are using a mobile device, search for the Podcast in either the podcasting app for Itunes or on the Stitcher Radio app.

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