Study Course
Be Humble In Making Plans Text: James 4:13-16 As James has been teaching about the need for humility, he now teaches the need for…
Patiently Wait On God To Keep His Promises Text: Genesis 21:1-2 More than 25 years had passed since God called Abraham to leave his…
Make God Your God Text: Genesis 17:7-8 God made a covenant (agreement) with Abraham. He promised to bless Abraham to multiply his descendants. Particularly,…
Don’t Grow Impatient Waiting On The Lord Text: Genesis 16:1-3 Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah) had obeyed God to leave their homeland and traveled…
Do Whatever Jesus Says Text: Luke 5:4-5 After Jesus finished teaching, He saw two boats at the edge of Lake Gennesaret. The fishermen were…
Don’t Make Decisions Based On Outward Appearances Alone Text: Genesis 13:10-13 Abram (Abraham) and his nephew Lot were very wealthy and had large herds.…
Don’t Speak About Things You Cannot Understand Text: Job 42:1-3 Throughout the book of Job, Job has been demanding answers of God concerning why…
Don’t Be Offended By Jesus Text: Luke 7:22-23 John, the Baptist, sent two of his disciples to Jesus (while John was in prison, Matthew…
Build Your Life On The Rock Text: Luke 6:47-48 As Jesus was teaching His disciples, He taught that there are two ways to respond…