Look At Your Heart
Text: Proverbs 27:19
Still water has a reflective quality about it. Perhaps you have found yourself beside water and looked at your reflection in it. There, you can evaluate your physical appearance and see if anything is amiss that may need to be addressed. For, it exposes your nature and what others see whenever they see you – for either the good or the bad. In addition to water, one might think today about a mirror in which you can clearly see your own reflection.
It is easy for us to deceive ourselves concerning who we are. Our lives can be quite complicated with many different factors to take into consideration. Yet, the reality of who a person is on the outside is found in discovering who he/she is on the inside. For, the Scriptures often teach that all the various components about one’s life is determined by the heart. This will include how a person speaks, the things a person does, the clothing a person wears, the ways in which a person practices religion, how a person conducts himself/herself in relationships, etc. Good fruit will come from a good heart, while bad fruit will come from a bad heart. Although people with good hearts will still do some bad things at times, they will correct their errors and continue pushing in the direction that will grow stronger in God’s ways. In contrast, people with bad hearts will occasionally do some good things at times, but they will be content with wickedness and indifferent toward changing it.
Today’s response to hearing God’s word is this: Look at your heart. Everything about your life on earth should demonstrate the true condition of your heart. Reflect carefully on your innermost thoughts, desires, and plans. Evaluate what you are feeding your heart in terms of what you are allowing into your mind and how you are allowing those things to shape your heart. Then, as you see the true reflections of your heart in your life, allow God to mold it into a heart that will bring Him glory throughout all aspects of your life!